What Is Digital Marketing? And How Does It Work?

Are you hearing the word ‘digital marketing’ for the first time? Do you want to learn about what digital branding is, and whether it would be best to start a career as a digital marketer? Let’s get into it.

Most of us are on our phones all day. Data shows that a lot of people going online for everything or anything has escalated from 15% in the last three years. The way people shop and buy online has changed a lot as well.

The need for online marketing is more than offline marketing. Marketing is always about connecting with your audience at the right time and right place. The only change is the platform where you will meet and spend time with your clients, which is on the Internet.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai consists of all the marketing tasks, efforts, and activities done using the internet or electronic devices. Businesses and digital marketers leverage numerous digital channels such as social media, search engines, email, and other websites to connect with prospective and current customers. If you are using the traditional way to start the business then you should make it digital now.

Types Of Digital Marketing

The types of Digital Marketing are numerous, but they can be categorized into five. These are the following five finds of digital marketing:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a strategic way to handle Search Engines. It is defined as the “art and science of making web pages attractive to search engines.” SEO requires thorough research and carries many contributing factors in achieving the required results in terms of website ranking. Google keeps on updating its algorithm to rank the websites. As an SEO expert, one needs to monitor and handle these changes and update things accordingly.

Here are the major factors you need to consider optimizing a web page.

  • Level of user engagement
  • Quality of content
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Quality and number of inbound links

Content Marketing

Being a primary part of Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing is a strategy that is based on the distribution of valuable and relevant content to your target audience. The content marketing goal is to attract leads and then convert them into customers gradually. These factors should be considered to accomplish the goals of content marketing.

  • To produce helpful and entertaining content experiences.
  • Offer valuable content for free in the form of informational written content.
  • Update creative, accurate, and genuine content daily.
  • Create intriguing and engaging content that ranks highly in search engine results.
  • Establish long-lasting and strong relationships through relevant content.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is processed through social media platforms to increase brand awareness and drive traffic. Nowadays, people are more active on social media. Therefore, marketers see this as a place to increase brand awareness by engaging people in online discussions. The most famous platforms for social media marketing are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and a few more.

Social media marketing offers built-in- engagement metrics to know how well you are reaching the audience. After analyzing these metrics, you can decide which type of interaction with the audience you want the most.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay-per-click marketing, or PPC, is posting an ad on a platform and paying every time some clicks on it. It depends on many complicated factors on when and how people see your ad. This depends on how we set our ad, the type of audience, the demographics, and a few other factors. An algorithm prioritizes each ad based on these factors:

  • Ad Quality
  • Landing page quality
  • Bid Amount
  • Keyword relevance

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a simple concept where you send a promotional email and hope that your prospect clicks on it. The open rate depends on how you send and execute the message. Make sure that your emails are valuable and wanted by having the following elements:

  • Individualized the content in the subject and in the body as well.
  • State clearly what type of emails the subscriber will get.
  • Offer a clear unsubscribe button.
  • Integrate both promotional and transactional emails.
  • You want your prospects to see your campaign as not just a promotional tool but a valued service for the audience.

Other Digital Marketing Strategies

The other types of digital marketing include:

Native advertising

It is marketing in disguise to buy a service or a product without knowing it is advertising.

Affiliate Marketing

A kind of marketing where another person makes money by promoting your business on their sites.

Marketing automation

Marketing is done with the support of software that automates repetitive tasks.

Online PR

Online PR is accomplished through online coverage with blogs, digital publications, and other content-based websites.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a marketing methodology using all the tactics of digital branding above to engage, attract, and delight clients at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Sponsored content

In this strategy, you pay another company to promote and create content that discusses your service or brand in ways through articles or blog posts, and videos on public platforms.

Benefits Of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing assists you to reach a larger audience than through traditional methods such as brochures, boards, hoardings, print, radio, and TV ads. Digital branding allows you to target prospects who are near to buying your service or product. Additionally, it is more affordable than traditional advertising and helps you to measure success every day.

Digital marketing offers many benefits. Here are a few significant benefits of digital marketing.

  • Broad geographic reach
  • Cost-effective
  • Target specific audience
  • Measurable results
  • Easy to compete with major brand
  • Personalization is easy

Broad Geographic Reach

When an ad is posted online, people see it anywhere if you have not restricted your ad geographically. Geographical reach makes it easy to grow and gives your business a better market.

Cost Effective

Digital marketing is affordable as compared to traditional marketing methods like newspaper ads, TV spots, and other traditional marketing methods. Digital branding also provides you with control over whether your target audiences will see those emails or not.

With digital marketing, you only need attractive content to draw visitors’ attention as it is active online. You can add more trending and relevant content or change it whenever you desire. You can reschedule or schedule your email marketing campaign that conveys the message effectively to your target audience. It gives you flexibility regarding your money as well.

Target Specific Audience

Digital marketing allows you to target the only prospects you want to purchase your service or products from. For instance, in TV or other advertisement, measure specific demographics, billboards, have minimal control over who sees your ad. On the other hand, digital marketing allows you to target a particular audience and identify it.

Measurable Results

Digital marketing has the techniques and tools to know whether your marketing strategy works or not. You have the means to find out how many clients it attracts and how much revenue it is making. While the traditional methods directly reach the clients for feedback, Digital advertising platforms and the software automatically track the number of desired conversations that you get, whether that means the visits to your home page, open email rates, or direct purchases.

Personalization Is Easy

Digital marketing allows you to collect customer data in a way that traditional marketing cannot. Data collected digitally tends to be more specific and relevant. According to the data you collect, you can create different campaigns or content targeting the audience in particular.

Easy To Compete With Major Brands

If you are a small business or a startup, competing with the big brands in the industry is tough using traditional advertising methods, in which millions of dollars are to be invested in nationwide campaigns or TV commercials.

How Digital Marketing Works?

Digital marketing works well by combining the different kinds of digital marketing strategies we have discussed above. These strategies help to get one key goal through multiple routes. It is like a company with different departments working together to achieve one major goal. It will help your business to reach the required target audience the right way and rank high on search results. All above discussed digital marketing strategies work together to create brand awareness, generate traffic and transform leads into loyal clients.

How To Start A Career In Digital Marketing?

If you are in bash that whether a career in digital marketing is right for you or not. It is the right time to start a career in Digital Marketing. The best news is, you can learn digital marketing without following any course at a university or college, although there are plenty of options available now.

There are a few steps you need to follow to start your career as a digital marketer.

  • Learn the basics of digital marketing.
  • Get familiarized with the website and start.
  • Become an SEO expert.
  • Get Google Ads Certification.
  • Learn about Facebook Ads Advertising.
  • Learn Google Analytics.
  • Get a digital marketing internship.
  • Get a digital marketing job.
  • Get handy with digital marketing tools.
  • Get updates about the new trends and keep learning.


The Online marketing field is growing every day and is coming up with various job opportunities for you. It is true that learning about digital marketing and growing your business using Digital advertising strategies is critical. This is where digital marketing companies in Dubai step in and assist you to grow your business using Online marketing tactics.

All you have to do is to connect with the best digital marketing agencies in Dubai and grow your business. There are many digital marketing agency services in Dubai you can get. Makeitdigital can be your best choice to consult about your marketing strategies and business growth. Our team of experts can help you throughout your Online marketing journey. We will handle all your SEO work, campaigns, ads, and content on your website. We will help you increase your website ranking and make your brand stand out among thousands.

If you are looking for the best digital marketing services, then look nowhere else than Makeitdigital. Contact us now to get free consultation about your business growth plan.